

Bengaluru called Bangalore, is the capital and largest city of the southern Indian state of Karnataka. As per the 2011 census, the city had a population of 8.4 million, making it the third most populous city in India and the most populous in South India. The Bengaluru metropolitan area had a population of around 10.5 million, making it the in the country. It is located near the center of the Deccan Plateau, at a height of 900 m (3,000 ft) above sea level. The city is known as India’s “Garden City”,best travel agency in kottakkal malappuram kerala district.

Due to its parks and greenery.Archaeological artifacts indicate that the human settlement in the region happened as early as 4000 BCE.. The first mention of the name “Bengalooru” is from an old Kannada stone inscription from found at the Nageshwara Temple. CE, it was ruled by the Western Ganga dynasty, empire’. In the late Middle Ages, the region was part of the Hoysala Kingdom and then the Vijayanagara Empire. In 1537 CE, Kempe Gowda I, a feudal ruler under the Empire, established a mud fort which is considered the foundation of the mod. We are providing best travel agency in kottakkal malappuram kerala district.
which still exist. After the fall of the Empire, Kempe Gowdadeclared independence, and the city was expanded by ‘his successors. In 1638 CE, a Adil of Shahaji Bhonsle. The Mughals later captured Bengaluru and sold it to Maharaja

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Wodeyar of the Kingdom of Mysore. After the death of Krishnaraja Wodeyar II in 1759 CE, Hyder’ Ali seized control of the kingdom, and the administration. passed’ subsequently to his son Tipu Sultan.The city was captured by the British East India Company during the Anglo-Mysore Wars, and became part of the Princely State ourned to Wadiyar III, then. Maharaja of Mysore, and the old developed under the garrison to the city and estae indian 19th century subsequently CE, the was essentially .composed of  and the new settlements cantonment. Following India’s , and remained the capital when the state was enlarged and maharaja unified in 1956 and subsequently renamed to .Karnataka in 1973. The two urban settlements which administration in 1949. The was officially known as Bangalore in English till 2006, when the official name wa’s changed to its Kannada name, “Bengaluru”.


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